2021 Consumer Confidence Report
2020 Consumer Confidence Report
2019Consumer Confidence Report (updated)
FY2019-20 Budget Narrative
Public Participation Plan
Annual Water Quality Report
Rules of Order
Permits & Forms
Download, print and deliver these forms to the Village Office; we are happy to serve your many different village needs. If you have any questions about the forms, feel free to contact us with questions.
Municipal Zoning
Doug Kuhlman, Principal
Since 2006 I have been involved with municipalities in both St. Joseph and Cass County serving as their Code Compliance Officer and/or Zoning Administrator.
Zoning has a very significant impact on a community, so I take my position very seriously to keep up on current events and how they may affect each of the communities, and work with your projects, and to make sure the projects are in compliance with the zoning ordinances. You don't see a zoning application on line as I prefer to have a one on one conversation to attempt to make the application process as simple as possible.
I was born and raised and have lived in St. Joseph County all my lice. My entire career has been in public service. I look forward to working with you as we both strive to make Colon a Community to be proud of.
Zoning Permits
Contact Doug Kuhlman at 269 651-3130
Zoning Fees
Here is the list of fees for Zoning services
Blight Officer
Mike Haydon at 269-435-8505
Building Permits
Contact Joe Wickey
Plumbing Permit
Needed in order to change or add plumbing to any building within the village boundaries.
Mechanical Permit
Needed in order to construct or add an addition to any building within the village boundaries.
Electrical Permit
Needed to do any electrical renovation in your house or commercial building.
Monday thru Thursday 9:00am to 5:00pm
Friday 8:00am to 4:00pm